Monday, January 31, 2011

Response to "Brainwashed"

Seth Godin's "Brainwashed"

   "Acknowledging the Lizard",  was a very interesting concept that I have never really encountered before. It makes perfect sense, I have just never thought of that 'gut' feeling as being a lizard brain. It's always a good call to go for it all, go with the gut and not be afraid of judgement because only in judgement can you find ways to improve your professional work and creativity. The idea of 'resistance' is also an interesting concept and I find it to be a slight factor in posting these blogs. After reading this I have a little more appreciation for the blog entries. The second "layer" that I liked the most was "Connect". So I often I find myself wasting time using Facebook for non-important things when I could be using it to friend and contact people I know who know other people in the business because it is very important to make connections and contacts to increase job opportunities.
    As I mentioned, after reading this I have a better understanding of the reasoning behind these blog assignments week after week, however I feel it is starting to become busy work. It is a bad time of the quarter for such a question, considering that stress is at a peak during the middle of the quarter, but I see the legitimacy of these entries.

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